Smallgrunt: 15mm Modern and Sci-Fi miniature listings
Fünfzehn über alles!

Note: I used a £1.00 to $1.40 conversion on prices. The current conversion rate varies, and is currently about £1.00 to $1.80.

Note: All prices are listed from U.S. sellers and do not include S&H except for GZG, which is from the U.K. and does include shipping (making GZG at least the second cheapest, if not the cheapest).

Note: Please help me identify my unknown miniatures.

General Reference

Ainsty Casting Company

Alternative Armies


Brigade Models

Cannon Fodder Miniatures

Citadel (Out of Production)

Dream Pod Nine (Out of Production)

DLD Productions

Eureka Miniatures

Force XXI

Frei Korps

Ground Zero Games

Irregular Miniatures

Kremlin Miniatures

LKM Direct

Martian Metals (Out of Production?)

MJ Figures

Peter Pig

Quality Castings

Quick Reaction Force

Rebel Minis

Roco Minitanks

Stan Johansen

Tabletop Miniatures

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