From  Tue Jan 23 17:20:25 1996
From: Gary James 
Subject:  [BBOWL-L]   Hobgoblin stupidity

Ouch!  I think if I coached Chaos Dwarves I might be smarting a bit about
Jervis' stupidity rules for rank and file players, rather than big guys.
IMHO the negative skills which actually _do_ something are more fun than the
ones which just cause people to miss matches or parts of matches. Still, I
can see the scope for some real fun here:

If fielding any Hobgoblins then at the beginning of a match roll a D6.  If
you roll a 1, roll a further D6 and refer to the following table:

Hobgoblin Stupidity Table

1-2 Bootlace Botchup!  D6 Hobgoblins (reroll 1's) have accidentally tied
their bootlaces together. For the remainder of this drive these Hobgoblins
must move about in a long string of players.  If one of them is knocked down
the rest may swivel around them but may not break the string.  If a pushback
or other action breaks the string, the remaining players will move over to
keep the string intact.  This is a free action which does not use up
movement or require dodges etc.  If one of them leaves the pitch (eg due to
injury) then all the hobgoblins fall over but on getting up again their
bootlaces are broken and they return to normal play.

3-4 Gosh, you are my hero!  D6 Hobgoblins fall into hopeless adoration of
another, non-Hobgoblin player.  For the remainder of this drive they follow
the player about slavishly, and must stay in an adjacent square.  They may
not make a move which would cause them to leave their hero's side (eg
follow-up).  Such is the Hobgoblin's adoration they they count as having the
GUARD skill for this drive - but only when assisting their hero/heroine.

5-6 Face-pulling contest!  All the Hobgoblins are late for the match because
they have been holding a face-pulling contest in the changing room (and hey,
with noses like that they have a head-start on most people).  The Hobgoblins
join the match on their team's second turn, from their own end-zone.
Unfortunately, the wind changed during the contest and their ugly faces have
remained...just like your mother warned it would! Consequently for the rest
of the match all Hobgoblins count as having the Foul Appearance skill.

I have tried to make the consequences easy to, what do you think?

Cheers, Gary.