THE STARS

    This document is a collection of star players for Blood Bowl.  Many of the
    players are unofficial.  Some are converted from earlier editions of Blood
    Bowl.  Others are submitted by coaches who built up a rookie to the point
    that they feel he deserves the title 'STAR'.

    This list is maintained by Dean Maki.  Submissions or corrections should
    be sent to him at dfmaki@makivel.synapse.net.

    This list is posted periodically as a suplement to the OBERWALD (On-Line
    BloodBowl Enthusiast's Reference With Assembled League Doctrines) to
    rec.games.board and BBOWL-L.  You can also obtain from the MORG (Mail
    Order Retrieval Gizmo) by sending a message to MORG@makivel.synapse.net
    with the following in the body of your message: 
                    GET STARS.TXT 

       All submissions must be sent to dfmaki@makivel.synapse.net.  When
       sending in a submission, try to follow the format used in this listing
       for easy cut-and-paste.  Please use the legends at the end of the list
       for skill and race names.  If your star player comes with a skill or
       ability which is not normally available in Blood Bowl, please send a
       description along with the star.

       The maintainer reserves the right to refuse any submission which does
       not measure up to his particular idea of 'Star Player'.  This is a
       very subjective thing, but good guidelines are:

               1.  You can't make the star easily from existing basic 
                   players. (i.e. Lots of Doubles Rolls)

               2.  The player has at least one stat increase.

       Most 'Shmoes With Just a Bunch of Skillls' will be rejected.  For
       example, a High Elf Pheonix Warrior (Thrower) with normal stats
       but skills:  Pass, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Hail Mary Pass, Strong
       Arm, Dump Off though formidable, will be rejected.

This list is best viewed using mono spaced fonts.
New entries marked with a +.

Name                   Race  M S A A      Skills                 Plays   $ 
                             V T G V                              For      From
Zzharg Madeye            CD  5 3 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, Blun        CD    100K DZ
Hthark the Unstoppable   BC  6 6 2 10 Blk, BTkl, Spr, SFt, TSkl   CD    180K DZ
Xtall Ironhand           HG  6 3 4 7  Leap, DPlr, SHnd, SBll      CD    120K NT
Zorn Uzkrag              CD  4 4 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, MBlw        CD    140K CJ
Trabore Despoiler        CD  4 3 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, Dlss, DTkl  CD    120K NT
Kharg the Slaughterer    CD  4 3 3 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, MBlw, Gard, CD    170K NT
                                       JUp, PiOn                  

Bellow Thunderslam       MN  5 6 2 9  Blk, Horn, MBlw, SBll       CD/CH 180K 2e
Grashnak Blackhoof       MN  6 6 3 9  Horn, MBlw, TSkl            CD/CH 160K DZ

Wilhelm Chaney           WW  7 4 3 8  Frnz, RClw,                 CH    120K UP
Dorjak Sureclaw          CH  6 4 3 9  Claw, LLeg                  CH    110K UP
Galem Goreblade          CH  5 4 3 9  Dlss, Frnz                  CH    120K UP
Wormhowl Greyscar        CH  5 4 3 9  Blk, MBlw                   CH    140K 2e
Slarga Foulstrike        BM  6 3 3 8  Horn, XArm, DPlr            CH    100K UP
Dieter Hammerlash        CH  5 4 2 9  Blk, Ctch, PBlk             CH    130K NT
Lewdgrip Whiparm         CH  5 4 3 9  Pass, SHnd, Tent            CH    130K UP
Lord Borak the Despoiler CH  5 5 3 9  Blk, DPlr, Ldr, MBlw        CH    160K DZ
Bilerot Vomitflesh       CH  4 5 2 9  DPlr, FApr                  CH    120K UP
Doubledrool              CH  5 4 3 9  Tent, 2Hed, Tail            CH    110K UP
Hacker Spleenripper      CH  5 4 3 9  Saw                         CH    130K UP
Fang Spiketail           BM  7 3 3 8  LLeg, XArm, Blk             CH    100K NT
+ Derek the Dork         BM  6 3 4 8  Horn SHnd, NofS, Ctch, PBlk CH    130K NT
+ Rascally Ron           BM  7 3 3 8  Horn, BHnd, SArm, Hail      CH    140K NT

Eoarn Harokon            DE  6 3 4 8  Ddge, SThw, NofS            DE    100K 2e
Petro D'Arvill           DE  6 3 4 8  Kick, NofS, Ddge            DE    100K 2e
Hawthorn Tullaris        DE  7 3 4 8  Blk, MBlw, Ctch, Spr        DE    140K 2e
Odium Khan               DE  6 3 4 8  Blk, SBll, TSkl             DE    110K 2e
Asperon Thorn            DE  8 3 4 7  Ctch, Leap, NofS            DE    110K 2e
Moravis Curfew           DE  6 3 4 8  Pass, SThw, Ddge, Hail      DE    110K 2e
Tuern Redvenom -1-       DE  7 4 4 8  DPlr, Tkl, Blk, Ddge, Pro   DE    170K UP
Horkon Heartripper       DE  6 3 4 8  Ddge, Leap, Shad, Dagr      DE    120K DZ
Roxanna Darknail         DE  8 3 5 7  Frnz, Ddge, Leap, JUp, Spr  DE    160K CJ
Haric Silverthorn        DE  7 3 4 9  Blk, Leap, Gard, DTkl, Helm DE    170K NT
Keyan Shadowspit         DE  7 3 5 8  Blk, Frnz, Ddge, JUp, DTkl, DE    180K NT

Pick' Seamsunder         DW  3 5 2 9  Blk, MBlw, Tkl, TSkl        DW    130K 2e
Bardin Ironglove         DW  3 4 2 9  Blk, MBlw, TSkl, Tkl        DW    110K 2e
Stuka Schmidtt           DW  5 3 2 8  Pass, TSkl, SHnd, Hail      DW    110K 2e
Granite Rivalblade       DW  4 4 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl              DW    100K 2e
Grimwold Grimbreath      DW  6 5 3 9  Blk, Leap, MBlw, TSkl       DW    170K 2e
Barik Farblast           DW  4 3 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, Blun        DW    100K UP
Flint Churnblade         DW  4 3 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, Saw         DW    100K UP
Grim Ironjaw             DW  5 4 3 8  Blk, Dlss, Frnz, MBlw, TSkl DW    150K DZ
The Deathroller          DW  4 7 1 10 MBlw, MBlk, SFrm            DW    160K DZ
Drumgrim Quickstride     DW  6 3 3 8  SHnd, TSkl, Spr, SFt        DW    140K CJ
Devin Headbanger         DW  5 3 3 9  Blk, TSkl, Dlss, MBlk, SBll DW    120K NT
Gibbon the Winded        DW  6 3 3 8  SHnd, Pass, NofS, Hail Tskl DW    110K NT
Haden Blockbuster        DW  4 4 2 9  Blk, Tkl, TSkl, Gard, SFrm  DW    160K NT
                                       Ddge, Dlss, SFt
Goldtooth Flowingbeard   DW  6 3 3 8  SHnd, TSkl, Blk, Ddge, DTkl DW    150K NT
Axebreaker Jones         DW  4 3 2 9  Blk, JUp, NofS, PiOn, Tkl   DW    110K 2e

Spiky Norman             GB  6 2 3 7  Ddge, Pro, RStf, Stnt, TSkl  GB/OC 60K 2e
Garbage Throttlesnot     GB  6 2 3 7  Ctch, Ddge, Leap, RStf, Stnt GB/OC 60K 2e
Dirty Dan                GB  6 3 3 7  Ddge, Stnt, DPlr             GB/OC 60K UP
Bommer Dribblesnot       GB  6 2 3 7  Acc, Ddge, Bomb              GB/OC 80K DZ
Scrappa Sorehaed         GB  6 2 3 7  Ddge, RStf, Pogo             GB/OC 60K BB
Fungus the Loon          GB  4 2 3 7  B&C                          GB/OC 60K DZ
+Nobbla Blackwart        GB  6 2 3 7  Ddge, Frnz, RStf, Saw        GB/OC 80K BB
+Dee Eff                 GB  6 2 3 8  Ddge, Stnt, RStf, Dlss, MBlk GB/OC 90K NT
                                       Blk, Helm
Gazooga                  GB  6 2 4 7  Ddge, Stnt, RStf, Dlss, DTkl GB/OC 90K NT

Knee-high Strider        HL  6 2 4 6  SHnd, Leap, Ddge, Stnt, RStf HL    80K NT
Ernald Spiritburner      HL  5 3 3 6  Blk, Ddge, MBlw, (Stnt) TSkl HL    80K 2e
Puggy Baconbreath        HL  6 2 4 6  Blk, Ddge, NofS, Stnt, RStf  HL/HU 80K UP
Jobo Hairyfoot           HL  6 3 3 6  (RStf) Ddge, (Stnt) Spr, SFt HL    60K CJ
+ Bongo Potbelly         HL  5 4 3 6  Ddge, (Stnt) Side, DTkl, SFt HL    90K NT
+ Bolman Gamgee          HL  5 2 5 6  Ddge, RSf, Stnt, SArm, SFt   HL   100K NT
Warmglow Windaloo        HL  6 2 4 6  Ctch, DCtc, Ddge, Pro, RStf, HL    80K CJ

Soaren Hightower         HE  6 3 4 8  Acc, Ddge, Pass, Hail, Pro  HE    130K 2e
Ibrahim Golddawn         HE  9 3 4 7  Ctch, JUp, Spr, Leap        HE    130K 2e
Valen Swift              HE  6 3 4 8  Pass, SHnd, SThw, Acc, Hail HE    160K CJ
Vallen Swyft             HE  6 3 4 8  Pass, SArm, Ddge, Leap      HE    150K 2e
Luarn Proudbrow          HE  6 3 5 8  PBlk, Tkl                   HE    110K 2e
Prince Moranion          HE  7 4 4 8  Blk, Dlss                   HE    140K DZ
Angus Swiftfeet          HE  9 3 6 7  Blk, Ctch                   HE    170K NT
Carthas Moonbeam         HE  7 3 5 8  Blk, Gard, Leap, PBlk       HE    160K NT
+ Eaeren Wyrmsbane       HE  7 5 4 8  Blk, MBlw, SFrm, Pro, Ddge  HE    180k NT

Hawkfire                 HU  6 3 3 8  NofS, Pass, SHnd            HU     80K 2e
Ziggi Abschuss           HU  6 3 3 8  PBlk, Blk                   HU     80K 2e
Miessen                  HU  8 2 3 7  Ctch, Ddge, Leap, Spr       HU     90K 2e
Ritter Von Baum          HU  6 3 3 8  Tkl, SBal, Spr              HU     80K 2e
Jacob von Altdorf        HU  6 3 3 8  Pass, SHnd, Acc, SArm       HU     90K 2e
Siggi The Boot Schuster  HU  6 3 3 8  Kick, NofS                  HU     70K 2e
Big'Gunn Shonn           HU  8 2 3 7  Ctch, Ddge, NofS, Pass, Blk HU    110K 2e
Griff Oberwald           HU  8 4 4 8  Ddge, Blk, Leap, Spr, SFt   HU    180K BB
Mighty Zug               HU  4 5 2 9  Blk, MBlw                   HU    120K DZ
Gregor Meissan           HU  7 3 3 8  Ctch, Ddge, DCtc, SHnd      HU    100K UP
Hoshi Komi               HU  8 3 4 7  Ctch, Ddge, Leap            HU    110K UP
Helmut Wulf              HU  6 3 3 8  Saw                         HU    100K UP
Frank N Stein            HU  4 5 1 9  MBlw, SFrm, BTkl, TSkl      HU/UD 130K UP
Griegor Miessen          HU  8 2 3 7  Ctch, Ddge, SFt, DCct, Side HU    150K CJ
Erik Kantona             HU  7 3 4 8  DPlr, Blk, MBlw, Kant       HU    150K CJ
'Epoxy' Ginhart          HU  9 2 3 8  Ctch, Blk, NofS, Ddge, Helm HU    120K NT
+ Swifty Murdoch         HU 10 2 3 7  Ctch, Ddge, Leap, Spr, SFt  HU    130k NT

Wolfhowl Blacscar        NO  6 4 3 7  Blk, Frnz, JUp, Dlss, MBlw  NO    160K CJ
Icepelt Hammerblow       ST  4 6 1 9  Rgen, Blk, MBlw             NO    160K CJ
Ulrik Wuulfson           UL  7 4 4 8  Blk, Ddge, Frnz, Fang, Woof NO    170K CJ

Morg'N'THorg             OG  6 6 3 10 Blk, MBlw, TSkl, TTM        HU/OC 190K BB

Hak Demoncutter          OC  5 3 3 9  Tkl, TSkl, Hail             OC     80K 2e
Urfrik Skullhack         OC  4 4 2 9  Spr, PBlk, Ctch             OC     90K 2e
Krug Painspear           OC  6 4 3 9  Blk, Leap, Spr              OC    130K 2e
Rip Sorepain             OC  4 4 3 9  Blk                         OC    120K 2e
Harg Vainkill            OC  5 3 3 8  Ddge, Hail,NofS, Pass,Shnd  OC    110K 2e
Gorflem Rot-Breath       OC  6 3 3 9  Blk, Ctch, MBlw, TSkl       OC    140K 2e
Kolath Head-Ripper       OC  5 4 2 9  Blk, MBlw, Spr, TSkl        OC    140K 2e
Greaser Geargrinder      OC  3 5 2 9  Blk, MBlw, SFrm          OC/GB/CD 120K UP
Urgoth 'Ripper' Bolgrot  OC  5 3 3 9  Saw, TSkl                   OC    100K UP
Varag Ghoul-Chewer       OC  6 4 3 9  Blk, JUp, Ldr, MBlw, Pro   OC/GB  160K DZ
Krag Kneebreaker         OC  6 3 3 9  Blk, Dlss, DTkl, SHnd      OC/GB  120K NT
Dick Buttkick            OC  4 4 2 9  Blk, Gard, Pro, DTkl        OC    150K NT
Ripper'Bolgrot           TR  4 6 1 10 MBlw, Rgen, TTM          OC/GB/CH 150K DZ

Headripper               RO  6 6 3 9  MBlw, Tail                  SV    160K DZ
Chainfist                RO  6 5 4 10 Gard, MBlw, Helm            SV    190K NT
Marg Plaguewind          SV  7 3 3 7  PWG, SArm                   SV     80K NT
Split Tendoncutter       SV  8 3 3 9  Blk, Ddge, Leap, Pro, SHnd  SV    150K 2e
Rasta Tailspike          SV  8 3 3 7  Ctch, XArm                  SV     80K UP
Hakflem Skuttlespike     SV  9 3 4 7  Ddge, XArm, Tail, 2Hed      SV    130K DZ
Breet Braingulper        SV  7 3 3 7  Pass, SHnd, Acc, Pro        SV     90K 1e
Skrag the Unclean        SV  7 3 3 7  Pro, FApr                   SV     70K 1e
Shisk Four-Arms          SV  9 2 4 7  Ctch, XArm, Ddge            SV    110K 1e
Slart Smash-Rip          SV  4 4 3 9  Blk, RClw,                  SV    120K 1e
Skritter                 SV  7 3 3 7  SHnd, Pass, SArm, Acc       SV    100K UP
Skreet  -2-              SV  7 4 3 7  Blk, Ddge, Leap, Gard       SV    140K UP
+ Gonzo Sam              SV 10 2 5 7  Ddge,Ctch, LLeg, PBlk       SV    140K NT
+ Cluny Scourgetail      SV  9 2 5 7  Ddge, Stnt, RStf, Ctch Rgen SV    160K NT
The Hand                 SV  6 3 3 7  BHnd, SHnd, Pass, Acc, NofS SK    100K NT

Voluptua                 DY  6 3 4 7  Shad, Gaze                  HL/WE 100K NT
Deeproot Strongbranch    TM  2 7 1 10 Blk, MBlw, SFrm, TSkl, TTM  HL/WE 180K DZ
Limber Lumber            TM  2 6 1 10 Blk, SFrm, TSkl, JUp        HL/WE 190K NT
Ramtut III               MY  4 6 1 9  Blk, MBlw, Rgen, Spr        UD    150K 2e
Count Luthor Von         VM  6 5 4 9  Blk, Ddge, Gaze, Rgen       UD/HU 180K DZ
Wishbone                 SK  6 3 2 7  Blk, Pro, Rgen              UD     60K UP
Spiny Norman             WI  6 3 4 8  Blk, Ddge, Rgen, PBlk       UD    140K NT

Jim Plunkwood            WE  7 3 4 7  Pass, NofS, SArm, Doff      WE    120K NT
Rot Wilder               WE  7 3 4 7  Blk, Ddge, Leap             WE    110K NT
Sweetwind                WE  8 3 4 7  Ddge, SFt                   WE    100K NT
Pierrot Rainforest       WE  7 3 4 7  Kick, Tol                   WE     80K 2e
Dolfar Longstride        WE  7 3 4 7  Ddge, Kick, PBlk            WE    100K 2e
Eldril Sidewinder        WE  8 3 4 7  Blk, Ddge, Leap, Ctch, Spr  WE    150K UP
Jordell Freshbreeze      WE  8 3 5 7  Blk, DCtc, Ddge, Leap, Step WE    150K DZ
Highelm Lyprade -3-      WE  7 4 3 7  Blk, PBlk                   WE     90K UP
Clearwater Everglade     WE  7 3 4 7  Pass, SHnd, DOff, SThw      WE    140K CJ
Eldrake Surefire         WE  7 3 5 7  Pass, Acc, Leap, SThw       WE    150K NT

                                  L E G E N D
RACES/TEAMS:                      ~~~~~~~~~~~
    BC - Bull Cenraur         HG - Hobgoblin        SK - Skeleton   
    BM - Beastman             HL - Halfling         ST - Snow Troll
    CD - Chaos Dwarf          HU - Human            SV - Skaven
    CH - Chaos                MN - Minataur         TM - Treeman
    DE - Dark Elf             MY - Mummy            TR - Troll
    DY - Dryad                NO - Norse            UL - Ulfwerner 
    GB - Goblin               OC - Orc              VM - Vampire
    DW - Dwarf                OG - Ogre             WE - Wood Elf
    HE - Highelf              RO - Rat Ogre         WI - Wight
                                                    WW - Werewolf
2Hed - 2 Heads            Gard - Guard                 RClw - Razor Sharp Claws
Acc  - Accurate           Gaze - Hypnotic Gaze         Rgen - Regeneration       
B&C  - Ball and Chain     Hail - Hail Mary Pass        RStf - Right Stuff
Blk  - Block              Helm - Magic Helmet          SArm - Strong Arm
BHnd - Big Hand           Horn - Horns                 Saw  - Chainsaw 
Blun - Blundrebuss        JUp  - Jump Up               SBll - Strip Ball    
Bomb - Bombardier         Kant - Kantona Kick          SFrm - Stand Firm
BTkl - Break Tackle       Kick - Kick                  SFt  - Sure Feet
Claw - Claw               Ldr  - Leader                Shad - Shadow 
Ctch - Catch              Leap - Leap                  SHnd - Sure Hands
Dagr - Poisoned Dagger    LLeg - Long Legs             Side - Side Step
DCtc - Diving Catch       MBlk - Multiple Block        Spr  - Sprint    
Ddge - Dodge              MBlw - Mighty Blow           SThw - Safe Throw 
Dlss - Dauntless          NofS - Nerves of Steel       Stnt - Stunty   
DOff - Dump Off           Pass - Pass                  Tail - Prehensile Tail
DPlr - Dirty Player       PBlk - Pass Block            Tent - Tentacles     
DTkl - Diving Tackle      PiOn - Pile On               Tkl  - Tackle
Fang - Razor Sharp Fangs  Pogo - Pogo Stick            TSkl - Thick Skull  
FApr - Foul Appearance    Pro  - Pro                   TTM  - Throw Team Mate
Frnz - Frenzy             PWG  - Poisoned Wind Globe   Woof - Woof Woof
                                                       XArm - Extra Arms         

   Kantona Kick
       Penalty Roll 9+ on each kick.  Instead of making a block, use Kantona 
       Kick against an adjacent opponent (or the crowd).  Roll a 1 die block:

                           Player                    Crowd
       Defender Down   defender down, +3          Opponent loses
                       armour roll                1 Fan Factor
       Push Back       kicker down                no effect
       Attacker Down   kicker seriously           kicker beaten by crowd
                       injured (no armour roll)   with Mighty Blow.

   Poisoned Wind Globe
       (Secret Weapon) - Penalty Roll 9+.  This secret weapon is thrown 
       like a pass, and uses your pass action for the turn.  The globe 
       will shatter in the square it lands in (no scatter).  Players in 
       the square hit are knocked over on a 3+, and in adjacent squares 
       on a 5+.  During rainstorms or blizzards, subtract 1 from the rolls.  
       Only one globe may be thrown between kickoffs.

   Woof Woof  
       Skeletons destroyed by this player may not regenerate.  The player is 
       placed in reserves box for the remainder of the match.  
       If a Treeman is on the pitch, roll D6 before taking an action with 
       this player.  On a 1, the player moves towards the Treeman.  If the 
       player is adjacent to a Treeman, roll a D6.  On a 1, the player may 
       take no further action that turn.

BB, DZ - Blood Bowl (BB) box set or Death Zone (DZ) expansion.  These are the 
         only Official players.  All others, including the Blood Bowl Updates
         and Citadel Journal players are Optional.

CJ, UP - Citadel Journal (CJ) or Blood Bowl Updates (UP).  The Next Best 
         Thing(tm) to Official.

1e, 2e - Converted from 1st or 2nd edition Blood Bowl.  Quite Unofficial.

    NT - The 'Net'.  Very Unofficial.

     -1-  Price adjusted slightly upwards from published price of 150,000.
     -2-  Price adjusted drastically from published price of 100,000
     -3-  Many people think Highelm Lyprade should be AG 4 and ST 3.  YMMV

2.0 CONTRIBUTORS  (In no particular order)
Dean Maki               Tom McCarthy             Jim Bell
Rudi Jetz               Graham Estey             Paul Smerek
Mike Schilder           Craig Walker             Sean Migneault
Jason I. Gilham         Quahog25@aol.com         JA Chapman
Michael Baker

Any ommisions are due to honest oversight.  Please send in any corrections.