The L5R code is a concise method of showing your opinion on a variety
of L5R related issues.  For each of the following options, choose the
degree to which it applies (or does not apply) to you.

For example, I am:
L5R(2.0)  LN++/SH-- S G+ Y+ P:M+/H-/EJ-/SJ+/E(1) I+ C++ E-- ?M T+ D++ !K H Tk! !IC U++ 
This means:
  L5R(2.0): Written according to version 2.0 update d of the L5R code
  LN++/SH--: I am dually aligned.  As a Lion Clan member, I prefer to play
             them over other clans.  As a Shadowlands Horde member, I wish
             to change clans.
  S: I can be competition when we play
  G+: When it comes to the rules, I have a slightly more than basic grasp
  Y+: I like the idea of having "story format" tournies
  C++: I am a "Mr. Suitcase" type collector
  P: Prefered play styles
   M+: I like winning by military means
   H-: I dislike winning by honor
   EJ-: I dislike the Extended Jade tournament format
   SJ+: I like the Strict Jade tournament format
   E(1): I have completed a single competitive Enlightenment win
  I+: I'm an IRC regular and have "voice"
  E--: I really only trade away my excesses (more than 3, etc...)
  ?M: I have never played Magic
  T+: I have the Shadowlands taint
  D++: When it comes to the storyline, I think it's GREAT!
  !K: Bayushi Kachiko is an interesting plot element, nothing more
  H: I don't care one way or the other about Hitomi
  Tk!: I think Toku is a conerstone figure to L5R
  !IC: Iron Crane, Wuss Crane, kill them all!
  U++: I'm pretty knowledgable about the storyline

Here are the elements of the L5R code.  Choose one from each in order.

The Version of the L5R code.  Optional.  This is 2.0:

Version 1.0: Initial version
Version 1.1: Added E (trading), K (Kachiko), U (Storyline).  Lots of additions.
Version 1.1a: As suggested by Ryan Dancey, added GBR, R!, E! and U?.  Changed
              YR for Yoritomo's Alliance to YA.
Version 1.1b: Added Ronin (RN) as a "clan" affiliation.
Version 1.1c: 
Version 1.1d: Added (Clan)++++: I tattoo my clan mon onto others.
Version 2.0: Added P (play styles), NJ (Ninja "Clan"), T (Toku) and
             H (Hitomi), plus some additions to others.  Took out R
             (Rolling Thunder)

Your clan:
CB = Crab
CN = Crane
DR = Dragon
LN = Lion
PX = Phoenix
UN = Unicorn
NG = Naga
SC = Scorpion
SH = Shadowlands Hoarde
TA = Toturi's Army
BR = Brotherhood of Shinsei
YA = Yoritomo's Alliance
NJ = Ninja
RN = Ronin

++++ I tattoo my clan's mon onto other people
+++  I have my clan's mon tattooed on my body
++   I mostly play only decks of my clan
+    I prefer to play decks from my clan
     Eh, it was the first deck I got
-    I don't usually play my clan
--   I want to change clans
---  I'm a Kolat spy out to destroy this clan

For example, BR++ is a Monk player who only plays Brotherhood decks.


S: Skill level
S(LA) I am from LA
S++++ I won GenCon. (I am Ken Carpenter, Chris Bergstrom, or David La)
S+++  I win a lot of national tournies
S++   I win a lot of local tournies
S+    I'm alright
S     I can be competition
S-    I suck
S--   No, I mean it, I really suck
S---  I am just speculating

For example, Nick Cascone is S(LA)  (It's a joke, you see... :)

G: Grasp of the Rules
GBM   I am the Brand Manager
G++++ I am Jeff Alexander (I said it's a joke, Dave...)
G+++  I am Dave Williams 
G++   You want help with that overlaid Mitsu?
G+    I read the FAQ and Accumulated Rulings
G     Fate on right, dynasty on left, got it.
G-    "Okay, I tap for mana..."
G--   Foo a what bar?

Y: Story format for tournaments
Y+  I like Story format tournies
Y   I don't care
Y-  I don't like Story format tournies
!Y  Story tournies are just sugar coated Magic type II WotC crap!
!!Y Oh my God!  They killed Phoenix!  You BASTARDS!

P: Prefered Play Style (Choose those applicable; e.g., P:M+/D-/4)
 M+ If you're not down three provinces by turn two, I'm doing something wrong
 M- LSDs are so 1997

 H+ If I'm not over 40 honor by turn 4, I'm doing something wrong
 H- Stupid Shrine honor monkies

 D+ You sleep with goats!  Prepare yourself for my Pekkle bomb!
 D- Scorpion Kolat scum!  Burn in the desert with the rest of your ilk!

 DM Prefers Darkest Magic victory conditions

 4  Prefers Four Walls (The 38th Hantei Falls) victory conditions

 E(X) where X is the number of competitive Enlightenment victories

 O+/- Likes/dislikes Open
 EJ+/- Likes/dislikes Extended Jade
 SJ+/- Likes/dislikes Strict Jade

I: IRC play
I+++ I play more on IRC than in RL
I++  I have Ops
I+   I have Voice
I    I get on to chat from time to time
I-   I don't play, I just want to chat with Ree
I--  What's to keep them from cheating?
I--- Playing a CCG isn't geek enough, you're gonna do it in a chat room, too?

Section 2: THE CARDS

C: Collecting L5R
C++++ I own a copy of the Event, "Designer Wins"
C+++  I bought a case of starters, and I refuse to sell or trade
C++   Somebody called me "suitcase boy/girl"
C+    I own some hot cards (Swords, Inheritence, Focus, etc...)
C     I've got enough to play and have fun, thank you very much.
!C    As long as I don't put them in binders, I'm not actually collecting
C-    I laughed at someone for sleeving their cards
C--   Speculation will turn L5R into Magic!!!
C---  My cards are so white, I have to write the titles on with magic markers
C---- I traded my "Designer Wins" card for Magic cards

E: Trading L5R
E+++ I'll trade anything and everything
E++  I'll trade anything but my clan, unless it's REALLY good
E+   I'll trade anything but my clan, no matter how good
E    I'll trade my uncommons and commons
E!   I've been known to give cards away!
E-   I'll trade my commons only
E--  I'll only trade excesses (over-3's, multiple uniques and events)
E--- No! It's mine! It's all mine! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!

M: Magic: the Gathering
M++++ The only reason I even play L5R is because WotC bought them 
M+++  I can tell you every ruling that affects type II AND all past rulings
M++   I am ranked in Magic
M+    I play Magic
M     I saw someone playing Magic
!M    I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may tend to
      incriminate me.
?M    I've never even played Magic
M-    I don't like Magic
M--   I hate Magic.  WotC is the Anti-Christ.
M---  I destroyed valuable Magic cards rather let someone else have them
M---- They weren't my cards


T: The Shadowlands Taint
T++  I have my own porcelein mask
T+   I carry the taint
T    I am not tainted
!T   Get real, I just play the game
T-   I wouldn't even allow myself to become corrupted to fight the Shadowlands
T--  I'm wearing Jade right now, just in case

D: The Day of Thunder and the first story arc
D++++ I am John Uikku
D+++  I attempted to win/bribe the DoT GenCon tourney for my clan
D++   WOW!  John Wick is God!  I LOVE IT!
D+    The Storyline concept is great
D     It keeps it in the stores
D!    I am attributed on the flavor text of a card.
D-    It's just a gimmick to sell more cards
D--   Who cares?  It's all just Lion and Crane anyway.  It was probably fixed.
D---- I am Alan Seyberth, the fallen Lion clan prophet.

K: Kachiko
K++++ Bayushi Kachiko owns my soul
K+++  Bring the Scorpion back RIGHT NOW
K++   I don't care what she did to Toturi, she can do it to me if she wants
K+    More loyal than Aramoro
K     Kachiko is alright, but only when painted by Matt Wilson
!K    She's a very intriguing plot element
K!    OH! Kachiko!
K-    I'm sure she'll hold up well in that hot desert sun.  :)
K--   Um...she's a slut.
K---  Grow up, you hormone drunk neanderthals!
K---- You know she's like 50 or something.

H: Hitomi
H++ "Yes, my lady..."
H+  I alway hated the Naga, until I realized they made such nice handbags.
H   I don't care, just don't discuss it on l5rinfo.  Sheesh!
H90210  "Dude, that bald guy is UGLY!"
H-  She's a bald nutzo!  That tattoo ink is seeping into her brain.
H-- "Dragons bleed..."

Tk: Toku
Tk++ Woo oo oo oo EEEEEEE EEEEEE!
Tk+  I love the Monkey Clan!  I want a Toku Beanie!
Tk   Eh...he's free.
!Tk  I like to feed him to my Onis  
Tk!  Toku is a cornerstone figure to L5R!
Tk-  What good is he other than for dirty jokes about exhaustion tokens?
Tk-- Toturi gave him the Scorpion lands?!?  Uh, I don't even KNOW the guy!

IC: Iron Crane
IC++ Yoshi's a wuss!  Thank goodness the Clan got a backbone.
IC+  I will grant you an honorable death
IC   Can't we all just get along?
!IC  It's still Crane!  Kill it!
IC-  The Daidoji are a bit uncivilized.
IC-- This is not the Way of the Crane!!

U: Storyline (a.k.a. Useless) Knowledge
U++++ I am Ree Soesbee/John Wick.
U+++  I can recite all the major battles of the Clan Wars - in order.
U++   I think Hoturi and Kachiko may have had something going on.
U+    I can tell you the names of all the Clans and their current Champions.
U     I can remember a few cool pieces of flavor text.
U?    I know things you don't
U-    Crab, Crane, Dragon, umm...Leopard, Koala, Scorpion, and Horsey.
U--   Hey, there's flavor text on these things!
U---  Samurai...yeah, you're right, they _DO_ look like Samurai.